" Kabaddi " 係咩運動?

2006-12-07 11:09 pm

回答 (2)

2006-12-12 8:23 pm
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中文叫卡巴迪, 好像麻鷹捉雞仔的一項運動






2006-12-12 12:45:27 補充:
詳細解說  賽場長13米寬10米(女子賽場長11米寬10米)。中線為界分兩個半場,每半場設一條“攔截線”。比賽每隊12人,7人上場5人替補。時間分上下半場各20分鐘,中間休息5分鐘。  比賽類似逮人游戲,各隊站在己方半場,進攻方一名隊員越過中線,進入對方半場。進攻者須不斷大喊“卡巴迪”。進攻者進入對方半場後,未過攔截線時不能讓對方抓住;過攔截線後,即可用身體的任何一部分觸碰防守者,被觸者出場輸1分;反之,進攻者在追逐時喊不出聲或被防守者逮住,被罰出場失分。但是計分須在進攻方被逮住,或防守方被觸碰後讓進攻方順利返回中線才生效。否則打平重新下一輪比賽。當一方隊員全被罰下後,開始新一輪比賽。

2006-12-12 12:45:57 補充:
2006-12-08 9:05 am
Two teams of seven players (wearing socks and boxer shorts, sometimes briefs) occupy opposite halves of a field of 12.5m x 10m (roughly half the size of a basketball court). Each team has five additional players that are held in reserve. The game is organized into two 20-minute halves, with a five-minute half-time break during which the teams switch sides.

The teams take turns sending a "raider" across to the opposite team's half, where the goal is to tag or wrestle ("capture") members of the opposite team before returning to the home half. Tagged members are "out" and are sent off the field. The raider must not take a breath during the raid, and must prove it by constantly chanting (called 'cant' or 'dak') during the raid. The chant-word is kabaddi in India and Pakistan, হাডুডু hađuđu in Bangladesh, do-do in Nepal, guddu in Sri Lanka, chado-guddo in Malaysia, Zoo in Iran, and techib in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the defenders must form a chain, for example by linking hands; if the chain is broken, a member of the defending team is sent off. The goal of the defenders is to stop the raider from returning to the home side before taking a breath. If the raider takes a breath before returning to the home side, the raider is out and is sent off the field.

A player can also get "out" by going over a boundary line during the course of the play or if any part of the player's body touches the ground outside the boundary, except during a struggle with an opposing team member.

Each time a player is out the opposing team earns a point. A team scores a bonus of two points, called a lona, if the entire opposing team is declared out. At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins.

Matches are staged on the basis of age and weight. Seven officials supervise a match: one referee, two umpires, two linesmen, a timekeeper and a scorer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:19:44
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