
2006-12-07 10:45 pm
點知架車卡住唔郁得, 然後響架車度唔知度過左3,4日然後個男既就落車去求救

然後男既一去無回頭, 新聞話女既帶住7歲既女女同一個bb仔響架車度一共度過左9日先得救, 女既腳指公因為凍壞左所以甩左!!!?? 呢個我真係唔係好明白? 人既手指腳指唔係有骨頭既咩??一郁就甩??

之後新聞話個男既依然迷失中但係搵到男既pants, 不過呢個可能唔係一個好既預兆,話因為響人凍到極點時會失去理智,會覺得好熱然後除晒d衫...之後應該凍死掛....究竟係咪真架??有無類似既事件發生過??

回答 (1)

2006-12-09 9:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
You're talking about James Kim right? Such a sad story that one...
Anyways, your questions -
1) Yes, one can lose fingers and toe in the cold. Of coz it doesn't just 'fall off' (甩左). It's because the muscles are dead from the coldness due to lack of blood flow, coz these are small parts of our body that get exposed to the air. Have you ever walked in rain in winter and your shoes are wet and cold? You can't feel your toes because the blood flow is slow - it needs to keep other part of the body warm, such as the torso and the head.
Bones don't play a part in this - the bones are fine, just the muscles are dead - what we called 'forst bites'.
之後新聞話個男既依然迷失中但係搵到男既pants, 不過呢個可能唔係一個好既預兆,話因為響人凍到極點時會失去理智,會覺得好熱然後除晒d衫...之後應該凍死掛....究竟係咪真架??有無類似既事件發生過??
They still don't know why the pants are there BUT for sure it isn't because he was hot! He might have used it as a marking so he would know how to get back to his car via the same route. They were the 'outer pants' anyways, ones that is like a rain coat.
Hope that helps.

2006-12-10 01:58:29 補充:
Sadly, James was found dead just a few days ago by a serach team.
參考: Me

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