
2006-12-07 8:07 pm






哎丫!!!!!!我岩岩記得返你就答左啦.... 唉....算啦....冇理由唔比分你..... 分你ge~!!!

回答 (1)

2006-12-07 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首歌叫做 We're gonna Rock, 收錄在戀愛初歌的電影原聲大碟裏面

歌手:方力申, 吳雨霏, 側田 | 作曲:側田 (On Your Mark)
填詞:側田 (On Your Mark) | 編曲:側田 (On Your Mark)/雷頌德

everybody coming together
closer you and me
making me appreciate
all the time that you spend with me
only thing i want from you baby
you can do for free
all that you have given me
is the L O V and E
we're gonna rock

everybody coming together
baby you and me
making me appreciate
all the time that you spend with me
all i want from you pretty baby
you can get for free
everyday i give to you
is the L O V and E
we're gonna rock

everybody coming together
baby you and me
making me appreciate
all the time that you've given me
all i want from you pretty lady
you can get for free
everyday i long for you
baby L O V and E
we're gonna rock we're gonna rock
we're gonna rock we're gonna rock

everybody coming together
baby you and me
making me appreciate
all the love that you've given me

2006-12-08 17:17:30 補充:
其實無分都唔緊要, 我答係因爲我常常都好似你o甘想到一首歌, 但唔記得個名, 就會一直想知, 所以我o甘o岩知道這首歌名, 就答囉..你可以刪除這條問題無緊要
參考: yahoo music

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