
2006-12-07 6:40 pm

回答 (5)

2006-12-08 9:41 am
受害人的你 ........... 唯獨你親自去感受!
2006-12-07 7:12 pm
you can like this talk to her
pretend that your girlfriend name gigi

Gigi i am so sorry that i am so selfish to keep cantact with my ex-girlfriend
But Gigi you still is the best the most beautiful, honest , kind lady i have ever seen
Gigi i love you
please don't break up with me
)if you like maybe you ask her marry you)
i do not know
you can send letters to her
talk to her
invite her to eat
jjdge your choice
if u see that is a game than no
if u like her so much than do you best to fix the relationship between you and her
2006-12-07 6:47 pm
咁你都要講做錯咩事, 我地先可幫你架喎! 如果你女友同得你講分手, 我諗你真係做咗d好對佢唔住既事啦................咁.........????

你只可以試吓死纏佢囉, 不斷氹, 但如果過了一段時間, 佢都無反應, 我諗你要接受現實囉.

鬼叫你自己做錯野咩, 要承擔個後果架啦. 人生無take two呀!
2006-12-07 6:46 pm
如果你一腳踏兩船 or one night stand,
如果你偷野殺左人, 都應該唔會 forgive 你,
同埋你而家後悔, 但女仔係要用長時間去觀察的,
2006-12-07 6:44 pm
unless she really loves u so much, otherwise make small presents to her, i mean make not buy and what mistake u did? if u had sex with another girl, i don't think it is a good idea for u two to stay together anymore as both of u will have a sting in your heart

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