physic 2......

2006-12-07 5:57 pm
Two strings on a musical instrument are tuned to play at 196 Hz (G) and 523 Hz (C).
a) What are the first two overtones for each string?
first overtone for 196 Hz (G)
second overtone for 196 Hz (G)
first overtone for 523 Hz (C)
second overtone for 523 Hz (C)
b) If the two strings have the same length and are under the same tension, what must be the ratio of their masses (M196/M523)?

(c) If the strings, instead, have the same mass per unit length and are under the same tension, what is the ratio of their lengths (L196/L523)? d) If their masses and lengths are the same, what must be the ratio of the tensions in the two strings? (T196/T523)

回答 (1)

2006-12-07 6:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a) 196Hz (G) : first overtone - 392Hz; second - 588Hz
523Hz (C) : first overtone - 1046Hz; second - 1569Hz

b) Frequency = SquareRoot[Tension / (Mass x Length)]
M196/M523 = 523Hz/196Hz

c) L196/L523 = 523Hz/196Hz

d) T196/T523 = 196Hz/523Hz

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