The Greatest Share Registrars in Hong Kong?

2006-12-07 12:07 pm
I want to know which is the Greatest Share Registrar (最大規模-股票登記處) in Hong Kong (in term of number of Listed Companies) and its details, including contact phone, web-site, services centre, repectitive listed companies and its backgroud, etc.

回答 (3)

2006-12-12 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Greatest Share Registrars in Hong Kong (in term of number of listed companies) is Tricor Services Limited~It provide registrar services to 657 listed companies (up to 12 December 2006), nearly 70% of listed companie in Hong Kong.

香港最大的『股票登記處』是『卓佳專業商務有限公司』(以服務的上市公司數目計)。英文全名為:Tricor Services Limited~服務的上市公司數目達657間(截至2006年12月11日資料),為全香港上市公司近七成。


「卓佳」旗下有七間附屬過戶處( 7 sub-registrars):
~Abacus Share Registrars Limited(雅柏勤證券登記有限公司)
~Friendly Registrars Limited   (準誠證券登記有限公司)
~Progressive Registration Limited(廣進證券登記有限公司)
~Secretaries Limited      (秘書商業服務有限公司)
~Standard Registrars Limited  (標準証券登記有限公司)
~Tengis Limited        (登捷時有限公司)
~Tricor Investor Services Limited (卓佳證券登記有限公司)

總辦事處 (Head Office):
Tricor Services Limited
Level 28,Three Pacific Place,1 Queen's Road East,Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2980 1888 Fax: (852) 2861 0285
Email: [email protected]

證券登記服務處(Public Counter):
Share Registration Public Office (all 7 sub-registrars)
26/F Tesbury Centre,28 Queen's Road East,Hong Kong
Office Hours: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Monday to Friday, except public holidays
Email: [email protected]

2016-05-05 8:06 am
2006-12-07 12:44 pm
It is hard to tell which is the Greatest Size Share Registrar (最大規模-股票登記處) in Hong Kong , if say it in term of number of Listed Companies , you can click below link to read

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