
2006-12-07 10:24 am
外國有好多地方d學生咁得閒,h.k. ge 學生就咁忙?

回答 (5)

2006-12-07 11:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because every place celebration the festival is different.For instance:In Halloween,on foreign the student will have 2week holiday.Because they very valued that day.In HK the school is not holiday for Halloween,because this is not is HK tradition festival.
And the New year celebration of HK is very beneficent,so we have long holiday.....this is same to them (I mean the festival)In New year in here,is not more holiday,because this is not they are tradition festival.
And foreign's student is so free!Because the teacher they don't want give pressure with the student.But this is not represent the student is not workhard,they will study ,this is same to HK student.And in foreign everyday the school start and finish is different time so, maybe you will think foreign's student is free!!
參考: I'm study in foreign now...
2006-12-07 4:45 pm
我覺得一來係教育system gei 不同啦, 香港學生要讀d 自己唔鍾意gei subject,
但係外國, 你想讀乜都有個"簡", 唔會死固固迫D學生讀d 自己唔鍾意gei subject, 咁就會無咁吃力.

2 來D假期其實真係差唔多, 無乜話多D少D.....佢地可能summer 放耐D,
但係無左chinese new yr 個d 假期....
所以真係無咩話長D 短D....

2006-12-07 08:47:30 補充:
樓上話Halloween 有2 weeks holiday????美國都無Halloween 假放gei.....呢個world 就係咁唔公平
參考: 我係美國讀緊書
2006-12-07 10:49 am
唔係wor....都係90日je ma....
不過佢地冇old曆new year....etc.....
2006-12-07 10:43 am
2006-12-07 10:29 am
參考: me

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