
2006-12-07 8:45 am
Can never use with happy? Never happy or Never be happy, which is correct? Thanks!

回答 (3)

2006-12-07 6:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your question should be "can ' never ' be used with ' happy '? The answer is Yes. Why Not? 當然可以,點解唔得?

約有393,000項符合"never happy"的查詢結果,以下是第 1-10項。 共費0.14 秒。

This is why so many people are never happy! - 10k

Lost fans: never happy it seems. ISBN: 1604 AUTHOR: Seth - email CATEGORY: Rant TRACKBACK: Trackback UTC: 2006-11-17T11:53:33-18000. Tags: lost, losticil. You really can’t win with these people. People like me. ... 2006/11/17/lost-fans-never-happy-it-seems/ - 27k -

上面有人說100% 肯定不可,我 100% 肯定的同你說可以。


Never happy or Never be happy, which is correct? Both are correct. 問題不是口語,而是用法,和之前是講開乜野,乜野 GRAMMAR,人地點問點講。

其實你是否問命令式第二身 YOU 的用法,單獨用還是在一句之內?成句一定可以,單獨用便要小心,可以是可以,但意思不同,要看文法和前文後理。

如果人問你: Are you happy? 你可答 Never happy 。咁你個人是好悲,成日唔開心的意思。

但如果人地話:I am happy. 你話: Never be happy。 你意思是叫人小心,不要開心得太早,咁樂觀。


另外,如果是一句之內,never happy 和 never be happy的分別仲簡單,是 TENSE 的分別。

They were never happy. (past)

They are never happy. (present)

They will never be happy. (future)

最後,如果是你書或測驗考試問你,叫你選擇,應是命令式,即 Never be happy 對,Never happy 不對,應為只可選一個,其實兩個在不同情況下都是對的。
2006-12-11 1:27 am

Future tense: He will never be happpy.......
*Simple present/past tense: He is/was never happy......

Compare with other verbs:
e.g. He never feels happy.

"Never happy" appears just because the word "never " has to be put BEHIND is/was/are/were.
2006-12-07 8:50 am
Never happy 是錯的..
You can use Never be happy!

For example :
1) Unless we are happy in our ordinariness, we will never be happy.
2) I know you will be happy without me.

2006-12-07 00:51:48 補充:
opps 打漏左2) I know you will be happy without me. should be :2) I know you will never be happy without me.

2006-12-07 01:08:30 補充:
我想說:::::我100%肯定沒有 never happy 的!
參考: 自己

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