
2006-12-07 8:42 am


回答 (4)

2006-12-07 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
你係咪個 link 連錯左?
我都有個 geocities 個網頁,
或者你 add 我 msn: [email protected]

2006-12-07 18:48:08 補充:
幫你 check 過啦,你所有 都多左 image/ 呀,應該係 呀你去編輯改晒佢就得架啦
2006-12-07 3:34 pm
The images all gotten (X), there are serval problems.
1--You forget to upload
You only have uploaded the HTML documents, no images?
If you do not upload the image, but the HTML has image tags, the Xs will appear.
2--Wrong file name
Typed wrong names in HTML documents or the images, or a wrong format name. You need to know that Yahoo! Geocities supports the image format: GIF, JPEG (JPG), PNG...some of them are not be supported.
3--Access denied (Usually on schools)
If you set some of the internet document name will be blocked, that like movie, web...these keywords, and your image files have these keywords inside, example: fhcmovie.jpg, that the image will be blocked.

2006-12-07 07:40:20 補充:
In Yahoo! Geocities, although the file name is right, but some keywords of the file name are capital, the file may not be displayed.Example:HTML tag sets<img src="afvpl.gif">The image name isAfvpl.gifThe A is capital, so the image is not be displayed.
2006-12-07 9:11 am

2006-12-07 01:13:53 補充:
2006-12-07 9:04 am

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