
2006-12-07 7:39 am
我上網下棋時認識個男仔,大家都幾好傾,但是at the end he said that he could not come to HK, he wants me come to Canada, but a friend of mine said to me that cant believe that, knowing people from internet it is dange for people to meet that he would do bad things to me as he would sell me, is that true?please reply with full answes . thanks! please you can with chinese answer, if you ever lived in Canada your answer would be the best!
sorry, writing chinese it is hard for me!

回答 (2)

2006-12-07 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
I try answer you in english. my uncle living in Canada, if I don't make any mistake. the place he living is toronto. I have ever heard from him that it is true because Canada there is a great demand for organ. always some canada people buy some people abroad to take their organ away. actually,lots of rich man , who are stick and must to get some organ to make their alive. they would go to canada. So this is why Canada would sell people.
2007-06-15 10:33 am
Sounds terrible for what you said, but I believe!

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