請幫我翻譯成中文吖, 唔該~!

2006-12-07 7:05 am
It means a kind of communication that is spontaneous, often coincidental and impromput (without preparation or rehearsal)

It is based on the realization that an agency cannot be effective without personal interaction among workers and their voluntary support of organization goals

It is personal, unofficial, and mostly verbal

回答 (1)

2006-12-11 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你所指的 a kind of communication 似乎是指 'informal communication', 而 impromput 應是指 'impromptu' (http://www.hft.org/HFT99/paper99/Work/10_99.pdf)


informal communication 是一種自然的溝通模式, 常帶有巧合和即興的成份 (即沒有事先刻意預備或排練).

這種溝通背後的理念是, 中介者若要使服務的公司變得有效率, 便必須在員工們之間建立起個人的互動關係, 及取得他們對公司的目標的自動支持.

這種溝通是個人的, 非正式的, 及主要是口頭對話上的溝通.

2006-12-11 15:04:23 補充:
更正: 及取得他們對公司的目標的「主動」支持.

2006-12-11 15:07:38 補充:
It is based on the realization that ... (realization 此處的意思是 understanding, 直譯便是: 這是根據一種認識, 就是...)

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