"玻 璃 面 具 "和 "日 式麵 包王 "

2006-12-07 7:04 am
請 問 那 裡可 以 看 到 "玻 璃 面 具 "和 "日 式麵 包王 "(not in TVB) .
THX,a lot !!!!!!!

回答 (6)

2006-12-07 9:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you go to this website http://www.gofoxy.net/tw/index.shtml
then you download foxy
after you have finished download foxy
you type 玻璃面具 and click search
you can find episole 1- 51
but they are Japan version

2006-12-07 13:09:44 補充:
2006-12-08 3:46 am
參考: me~~~~~~
2006-12-08 2:23 am
2006-12-08 2:01 am
參考: 網上

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