vin de pay & vin de table

2006-12-07 6:42 am
請問 vin de pay 同 vin de table




回答 (3)

2006-12-07 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Vins de Pays - French legal decision to permit French wine growers/makers to use non-traditional grapes in certain regions and allow vintners to label wines with the varietal rather than the regional names (all those wines from Bordeaux and Burgandy regions are labelled by commune name, not varietals).

Vins de Table - The alcohol content of this classification ranges from 9 to 14%. These are ordinary table wines representing almost 35% of the wines produced in France. This is the French equivalent of "jug wine". There are only 3 types of Vins de Table - Red, White or Rose. Don't even ask what kind of grapes these wines are coming from or from what regions because nobody knows.....

Nobody really pay attention to compare the quality of the two because both are made from mixed grapes from all over the place and the quality is so inconsistent between batches. Both are means to be for daily drinking by the French people (like American people drinking soda) cos the ground water in Frence is so contaminated. French people think it is safer to drink wine instead of water. ......

2006-12-08 10:09:57 補充:
I am talking about French wine. These 2 terms are specifically refer to French wine. What do you mean? on your "additional"?
2006-12-10 2:58 pm
for " Vin de pays" categorie , we can find the famous domaine MAS DE DAUMAS GASSAC ... and nothing for the table wine lol :)
2006-12-07 10:57 am
I think the vin de pay is batter than VDT,but only french wine !

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