
2006-12-07 6:27 am
 指對兒童造成身體傷害,或不作任何預防措施來免使兒童身體受傷。
 例:故意使用暴力、蓄意下毒、使窒息、火燒。

回答 (3)

2006-12-07 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
“The domestic abuse” is refers occurs between family member's rough stuff, like between the parents children, brothers between between the sisters, the husbands and wives and live together the honey friend and so on.
Middle mainly divides into three kinds: The spouse maltreats, oppressive old and oppressive.
The oppressive
maltreatment child is refers to any harm either harms the child body or the psychologically healthy development behavior. Shi Nuezhe possibly is the parents or the guardian, or any is entrusted to look after and to teach the child the public figure. But they use itself special status (for example age, identity, organization) can alone or the collective serve with the maltreatment to the child.
Maltreats the child mainly to divide into four big kinds, including bodily maltreatment, sexual violation, negligence attendance and mental cruelty psych terror.
The bodily maltreatment
 refers to the child causes the bodily damage, or does not make any preventive measure to exempt causes the child body to be injured.
 example: Uses the violence intentionally, intoxicates deliberately, causes to suffocate, to burn down.

2006-12-07 7:12 am
Domestic violence refers to the violence happened among the family members such as between parents and their children, sibling, couple or the live-in partner. It can be classified into three types including spouse-battering case, the old abuse and child cruelty.
Child cruelty is any behaviors that endangers or hurt the mentally development of a child. The abusers may be their parents or guardians, and may be anyone who was trusted to look after and teach the kids. They take advantage of their special status (their ages, identity, organization) ill-treating the kid single or collectively.
Child cruelty mainly identify as four types which are physical abuse, sex abuse, careless trust and mentally abuse.
Physical abuse is causing any bodily hurt or hasn’t take any preservations to avoid the kid be getting hurt. For examples, deliberate using violence, poisoning , suffocating and burning.

Hope it can help you.
參考: by myself
2006-12-07 6:48 am
"Family violence" is violent actions in the family, for example between parent and child, siblings, couples or housemates.
It is further divided into three categories: abuse of spouse, elderly abuse and child abuse.
Child abuse
Child abuse is any action which would hurt a child's physical or mental health. The abuser may be a parent or guardian, or any person appointed to care for and supervise the child. They use their status (such as age, identity or organization) and abuse the child alone, or even in a group.
Child abuse is further divided into four types, including physical abuse, sex abuse, negligence and mental abuse.
Physical abuse
is doing bodily harm to a child, or not undertaking any preventive measures to stop a child from getting hurt physically.
for example: deliberately using violence, poisoning, suffocating and burning a child

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