
2006-12-07 6:20 am
Do dry cells providing the same voltage have the same shape and size??Thx a lot!!

回答 (2)

2006-12-07 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

例如碳鋅電池會提供 1.5 V 的電壓,無論大電 D 型,細電 AA 或 AAA 都是 1.5 V 的。由於 1.5 V 己經幾乎成為了一個標準,其他類型的電池,例如鹼性錳電池之類,也調教藥品的濃度使之向外界提供 1.5 V 的電壓。

2006-12-09 3:29 am
if more dry cells add in a circuit,the voltage will be become larger too,
EXAMPLE" battery brand a is 1.5V,
if i add one more it in the circuit,it will become 3V

PS the size of curruent(A) will become larger when more dry cells add in, too.
參考: ,me

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