
2006-12-07 5:30 am
1 Mary 的禮物和Lily的不同

2 王先生和李先生的車子一樣嗎?

3 這個女人和其他的女人不同

4 日本是在亞洲(Asia)的一個國家

5 每一個學生都有相同的禮物嗎?

6 星期一是一星期中的第一天嗎?

回答 (4)

2006-12-07 5:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Mary's and Lily's gifts are different.

2. Are Mr. Wong's and Mr. Lee's cars the same?

3. This lady is different from other ladies.

4. Japan is a country in Asia.

5. Dos every student have the same gift?

6. Is Monday the first day of the week?

2006-12-07 09:38:28 補充:
btw, i am from the u.s.

2006-12-07 09:40:19 補充:
5. Is every student's gift different from each others?Personally, I prefer the sentence WITHOUT "each other." Without each other, it is more direct and precise.
2006-12-07 6:23 am
1). Mary's present is different from Lily's.
2). Do Mr Wong's and Mr Lee's are the same one?
3). This lady is different from the other ladies.
4). Japan is one of the Asian countries.
5). Does every student have the same presents?
6). Is Monday the first day of a week?
2006-12-07 5:39 am
1). Mary's present is different from Lily's.
2). Are Mr Wong's and Mr Lee's cars the same?
3). This woman/lady is different from the other women.ladies
4). Japan is a country in Asia
5). Does every student have the same presents?
6). Is Monday the first day of a week?
2006-12-07 5:36 am
1. Mary 's present is different from the Lily's.

2. Do Mr Wong and Mr Lee have the exact same car?

3. This lady/woman is different from the other ladies/woman.

4. Japan is one of the Asian countries.

5. Does every single student has the same present?

6. Is Monday the first day of the week?

2006-12-06 22:03:49 補充:
5. Does every single student has the same present as each other?

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