
2006-12-07 5:21 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-08 6:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 網頁檔案名用大寫字母是無問題的, 只要你開那個網頁記得用返大寫字母就開得到, 我見過有些中文網頁用中文檔名都可以開到的.

2) 要用 index.html / index.htm 做主頁的原因是因為伺服器度 set 左如果你睇網頁時無輸入睇邊個 html 檔的話, 佢 default value 係會開 index.html / index.htm 之嘛, eg.
http://www.abc.com/ 其實佢會開 http://www.abc.com/index.html 比你睇
http://www.abc.com/myPage.htm 佢就真的開 http://www.abc.com/myPage.htm 比你睇

所以用 index.html / index.htm 做主網頁名會方便 d, 一來唔使係 伺服器度再 set 野, 二來 d 用家去你個 site 度唔使記個主頁檔案名, 只要記住你個 網址就得, 之係 http://www.abc.com/ 呢部份..
2006-12-07 3:45 pm
No problems will come out if you use capital letters for file names, but it is difficult for linking.
Why we need to set the first page name as index.htm or index.html?
Because INDEX means the first page, homepage...so Yahoo! Geocities sets the first page as index.htm or index.html, if you set another name and there is no index.htm or index.html, it will remind you that you do not have index.htm or index.html, so you need to do this before you creat another page.
2006-12-07 5:54 am

2006-12-07 06:23:33 補充:
應是 index.htm or index.html

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