
2006-12-07 4:51 am
本人長期(不只在月經前後)都有些淺黃色嘅分泌, 有小小酸味,有時氣味會較濃烈.....是否有問題呢?但我又冇痕癢嘅感覺.

回答 (3)

2006-12-07 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
2006-12-09 7:00 pm
不如你平日試下用有負離子芯片的衛生護墊或衛生巾,因為負離子芯片內包含5800/cm3單位,使用中發射出高濃度的負離子能促進微生物轉化,有消炎抗菌及改善內分泌功效,包裝內還有陰道炎自我檢測卡,一試便知有沒有效。我用了個多月已沒有痕癢及綠色分秘物。又吾係貴...十幾蚊包連埋m巾再送埋試紙自己check,,醫生都係用佢幫你check,但係要你卑成幾百蚊,你想知係where買,sd e-mail卑我:[email protected]
2006-12-07 6:06 pm
most probably is infection,
this needs treatment by either oral drugs or vaginal drugs.

go and see the doctor to see what happen.

my family doctor in Tai Wai (Dr. Ho) is quite good on this and he can tell you what happen (because i have seen him 1 months ago for the same problem),
he is very nice and may be you can see him if he can help you.
His clinic Tel no 2634 5530

Hope he can help you.

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