
2006-12-07 4:44 am
我是用PowerShot A520相機的

我想放一些相出到電腦中, 但又不捨得把相片拿走出來, 但唔拎出黎就會唔夠MB

我想知我可唔可以放D相出黎之後, 再放返入去,

或者有無軟件一個功能可以把一D 已經UPLOAD左入電腦既相再次放返入相機度再次睇到??

回答 (2)

2006-12-08 1:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Only photos are uploaded to computer. The files should be still in your memory card.
Then copy the photos into CD or DVD.

You can protect the files on the card and delete all unwanted files. If these opions still not acceptable, buy another memory card with larger capacity.
2006-12-08 2:37 am
有,你可以用card reader, 搵返個file, copy番D相入去.

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