究竟係「一石二鳥」定還是 ...

2006-12-07 4:00 am
"to kill two birds with one stone" 係 original ???

回答 (6)

2006-12-07 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
你的意思是問中文的 「一石二鳥」,還是英文的 "to kill two birds with one stone" 係這成語的本來出處 ?

我 GOOGLE 過中文和英文的這句成語,中文便找不到出處,英文便找到,可見英文是原文,我還發現日文也有這句呢,和中文的一模一樣。

詞目 一石二鳥 拼音 yi shíh èr niǎo 釋義 扔一顆石子打到兩隻鳥。比喻做一件事情得到兩樣好處。 出處
相似 一箭雙鵰, 一舉兩得, 英譯kill two birds with one stone
Since Benjamin, one of my classmates in university, lives near my mother, I'll call in on him as well and kill two birds with one stone.



一石二鳥(いっせきにちょう, isseki ni chō). kill two birds with one stone; do one task and finish two or more goals; (lit. one stone two birds) ... Retrieved from "http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B8%80%E7%9F%B3%E4%BA%8C%E9%B3%A5" ...
en.wiktionary.org/wiki/一石二鳥 - 17k -


KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE - "Achieve two objectives with a single effort. It would be remarkable indeed if someone slinging a stone at a bird got one bird, let alone two. Ovid had a similar expression in L*tin nearly 2,000 years ago. Related phrases were in English and French literature by the 16th century. Thomas Hobbes used the modern version in a work on liberty in 1656: 'T. H. thinks to kill two birds with one stone, and satisfy two arguments with one answer.'" "Dictionary of Cliches" by James Rogers (Wings Books, Originally New York: Facts on File Publications, 1985).
from phrases.org.uk

2000 年前拉丁文已有,現代版則見於 1656。

2006-12-07 17:48:17 補充:
2006-12-07 10:04 pm
其實有 to 同無 to 都是對的
2006-12-07 4:24 am
to kill two birds with one stone

2006-12-06 20:25:07 補充:
參考: 上次有個廣告講過
2006-12-07 4:17 am
''kill two birds with one stone"-------------對

"to kill two birds with one stone"------------錯

參考: 專業人士
2006-12-07 4:03 am
kill two birds with one stone
參考: Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-12-07 4:02 am
''kill two birds with one stone"
參考: 我

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