
2006-12-07 2:47 am
我想要英文 的,air pollution, water pollution同noise pollution的原因同解決辨法,一個pollution要2個原因同解決辨法><唔該你地la我要今天要呀>

回答 (2)

2006-12-07 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.air pollution- cause x2 & solution

cause 1- from electric plants 發電廠,
cause 2 - cross-border 跨境-PRD ( peral river delta )'s factories .. because of rapid economic develement & industrialization , with the prevailing wind blow the pollutants to hk

solution 1- ask for governement intervention & discuss with china 's economic dev. authority
solution 2- demand the electric plants & factories to install filter ( 過濾器)

2.water pollution cause x2& solution

cause 1. industries - eg, paper making ind. they need lots of water for making the paper to look more plain & clean , when water is released to river ~ pollution results.
cause 2. people throw rubbish into sea , for convienience or low education level.

solution1 - gov impose heavy penalty to the illegal ind. eg imprisonment & $$$$
solution 2 - more education need to be provided to citizens via 透過 mass media such as tv, newspaper, radio programmes

3.noise pollution cause x2& solution

cause 1 . contruction projects , eg building infrastructure like roads , bridge
cause 2 . misuse of large scale speaker擴音器 at some residential area like some shows

solution1 - install some sound filter if necessary
solution 2 - stricter gov intervention is needed, ( ...eg like penalty ...)

(conclusion - HK is our home and we live in it , we want a harmonious living environment , let's join hands to conserve hk)

i hope the above can help you =)
參考: from me ~
2006-12-07 3:16 am
-air pollution係因為工廠排出廢氣,加上車排放廢氣,解決
-water pollution係因為工廠將化學廢料倒入河流,人又將垃圾
-noise pollution係因為人在不適當的時候將聲音開得太大或一些

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