關於痔瘡 and pregnant

2006-12-07 12:54 am
I have 痔瘡 for 4-5 years. Do I need to cut 痔瘡 (by operation) before I am pregnant? During pregnancy, can I put 痔瘡cream at my 痔瘡? The 痔瘡 sometimes bleed but it does not affect my life much. Will I be very uncomfortable during pregnancy? Can some experienced mothers can give me advice? Thanks!

回答 (3)

2006-12-07 1:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Haemorrhoids can be found internally or externally through out your digestive tract. Usually, if you have symptom of bleeding, you may be suffering from 2nd degree of infection. If the haemorrhoid is external, it's better to use ice cube to shrink the haemorrhoid then using medicine.
During pregancy, the enlarged uterus will increase pressure to your bladder and colon, the situation of haemorrhoids may go worse. Try to avoid sitting for too long. Doctor may suggest you to eat more vegetables but it doesn't work for me.
Even if you remove the haemorrhoids before pregnancy, it doen't mean they will not recurr. It's better to consult your doctor for opinion.
2006-12-07 7:16 am
既然係舊患, 當然要割左佢啦, 費事自己嚇自己嘛.
因為當你懷孕, 但又出血, 你好多時會分唔清楚係痔瘡or bb有事, 尤其懷孕初期.
而在懷孕的後期, 很多沒有痔瘡的孕婦都會生痔瘡, 所以你如果原本有的話, 到時可能會好辛苦.
另外痔瘡用的藥膏及藥塞, 都不會對bb做成影響的, 所以這方面不用擔心. 因為孕婦有痔瘡是很常見的.
2006-12-07 1:44 am
I had 痔瘡 once 2 yrs ago. Then last Fri, due to my pregnant, it happened again. Then I went to see the 婦科doctor, he gave me some 药膏 & I presume that it won't affect my baby. After 2 days of putting on some 药膏, the 痔瘡 turns smaller & not so pain now.

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