
2006-12-06 10:07 pm
1,Mary certainly talks a lot and she is never interested in _______ has to say.
A. those somebody else
B. what anyone else
C. who else
D. what else anyone

2,The burglar _______very stealthy if he was able to get past the watchmen without being noticed.
A. must have been
B. could have been
C. should have been
D. would have been

回答 (6)

2006-12-07 3:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. B. what anyone else

...she is never interested in what anyone else has to say.


what = things that

anyone else = other people

=she is never interested in the things that other people have to say.

interested in 後面要加 OBJECT,如 SOMETHING, MOVIES。 what anyone else has to say是個 NOUN CLAUSE,意思是任何其他人想說的話。

I am quite certain that he's not the least bit interested in what anyone else has to say. His goal is to foment arguments. - 22k

14. Mary certainly talks a lot and she’s never interested in what ________ has to say. A. somebody else B. anyone else. C. nobody else D. someone else. - 77k - 2006年12月4日 -

2. A. must have been 文法上,四個答案都正確,只是意思不同。第一個 must have been 語氣最肯定,意思是肯定是,一定是,其餘都是不肯定,意思是有可能。這只是我的意見,可能和你本 EX 的標準答案有出入。

B. could have been =可能是

C. should have been = 應該是

D. would have been 可能是

BCD 其實分別不大.

The burglar must have been very stealthy if he was able to get past the watchmen without being noticed.


... uased to hold clandestine meetings Boston. A good education will elp you discover and develop your latent talents. The burglar must have been very stealthy if he was able to get past the two watchmen without being noticed. ... asp?UrlID=1&SoftID=19



They even built prototypes like the SU-47 which could have been very stealthy. - 89k - 補充資料

These should have been stealthy silent killers , taking their victims before they knew it , not running around corridors squealing like pigs . . . grumble grumble . . . C . When will they give us human actors we care about ? ... php?t=5624&page=4&pp=10 - 71k -

Compared to other bombers and planes of its day, the first Northrup wing would have been stealthy. 25/595.html?SundayApril2120020509pm -

2006-12-07 17:42:36 補充:
2006-12-06 10:20 pm
1) B
2) D
2006-12-06 10:16 pm

2006-12-06 10:16 pm
1 & 2 都係 D.....
2006-12-06 10:12 pm
1. C

2. A
參考: me
2006-12-06 10:12 pm

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