
2006-12-06 4:42 pm
''老歌縱是能讓我陶醉再歌曲中的意境 尤其是當時歌星各個的歌聲都相當好聽''


回答 (4)

2006-12-06 5:29 pm
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老歌總是能讓我陶醉在歌曲的意境中 尤其是當時歌星各個的歌聲都相當好聽
Oldies could always allow me to indulge myself in the moods of the songs, especially when every singer in those days has a very beautiful voice.
Indulge 可解沈醉
Mood 可解氣氛
From Yahoo Dictionary:
The mood of the music was almost funereal.

2006-12-06 9:30 pm
''老歌縱是能讓我陶醉再歌曲中的意境 尤其是當時歌星各個的歌聲都相當好聽''
"The old song makes me carry the artistic conception in the song away again vertically Especially each of singer's song was quite pleasant at that time "

''老歌縱是能讓我陶醉再歌曲中的意境 尤其是當時歌星各個的歌聲都相當好聽''
''老歌纵是能让我陶醉再歌曲中的意境 尤其是当时歌星各个的歌声都相当好听''

2006-12-06 21:47:10 補充:
2006-12-06 5:26 pm
The old songs can always make me fascinated with their charming notions of lyrics, especially the sweet voices of the singers in that Age are very attractive.
2006-12-06 4:54 pm
The '' old song vertical was can let me be infatuated with again in song ideal condition in particular at that time singing star each singing sound all quite pleasant to hear ''

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