由Charles De Gaulle [paris airport] 去下面這間酒店的方法.

2006-12-06 4:12 pm
Altona Hotel
166 rue du faubourg Poissonniere, Paris 75010

同埋我同家人一行3人係paris玩3日, 應買那種metro ticket?


回答 (2)

2006-12-06 4:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案

From Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport, take RER B to Gare du Nord, change to underground line 5 and get off at the République stop.


Hotel Altona - Paris
166, rue du Faubourg Poissonnière - 75010 Paris

By train
From all railway stations, take underground line 3, 5, 8, 9 or 11 to the Répulique stop. It is also possible to take RER B to Gare du Nord and change to underground line 5. Get off at République.

By airplane
From Orly airport, take RER C to Antony, change to RER B, continue until Gare du Nord, change to underground line 5 and get off at République.
From Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport, take RER B to Gare du Nord, change to underground line 5 and get off at the République stop.

玩三日可以買任坐pass:Paris Visite
可以在Roissy Charles de Gaulle 機場買到
三日任坐:成人Euro18.60/38.10/43.50 ->應該先看看地圖選擇需要哪個區域
小童(4-11): EURO9.30/19.05/21.75

Paris Visite is a pass to discover Paris and its region.

The user's name must be written on the pass (no photo necessary). Each coupon is valid for either a 1, 2, 3 or 5 day period (calendar days and not a 24 hour period) of your choice: 1-3, 1-5, 1-8 zones.

The whole journey is regardless of the first utilisation of the pass.

With the Paris Visite pass travel freely within the zone area of your choice.

This pass offers a reduced rate for children between 4 and 11 years of age.

This pass is on sale in all metro, RER and SNCF stations, the Orly and Charles de Gaulle airports and in certain Parisian hotels and many tour operators abroad.

Before utilisation, write your name on the card and copy the coupon number on the card, also the pass expiration date.

2006-12-06 6:54 pm
點樣去 Altona Hotel?
你先係 CDG 機場的 RER 車站搭 RER B 線出巴黎市區, 係市中心的 GARE DU NORD 落車, 再轉地鐵的 5 線到 Republique 站就到了, 當然出站後要行數分鐘了. (與上一位朋友相同, 因這路線是最快的)
買邊種地鐵 ticket 好?
不論你玩幾多日都好. 一定唔好買 Paris Visite, 因為又貴又冇用. 雖然佢包括一些 入場費的 "優惠", 但我斗膽講你係唔會去個 d 地方的, 所以唔好浪費金錢. 根據我係巴黎住左一年既經驗, 如果你去巴黎旅行, 步行遊覽係最好的方法. 因為四周的係景點, 四周既建築都好靚, 如果你每次都係點對點, 搭地鐵去玩既, 就會損失好多野... 例如, 你搭地鐵唔會睇到塞納河, 亦唔可以行晒香榭麗謝大道等.
一般來說, 一日係巴黎係搭唔到 5 程地鐵的. 你 3 個人玩 3 日, 最多都係 15 -18 程地鐵. 所以你只需要買 1 套 10 張車票的 carnet (eur 10.80), 可以 3 人一齊用, 用完再買. 當你 3 人每日搭 6 程地鐵, 都只係 18 程, eur 21.60 就 ok. RER 去機場應該係 EUR 9 (唔太記得), 來回 eur 18. 3 人合計全部 eur 75.60. 就算再買多 1 個 carnet, 每日搭 10 程車, 都只係合計 eur 86.40
比起 zone 1 - 5 的 paris visite 每張 eur 38.10, 合計 euro 114.30 便宜了一大截 !!!
如有問題, 請 e-mail 給我吧
參考: living in Paris for a year.

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