由bayswater去 Heathrow Airport

2006-12-06 2:47 pm
我地一行3人2大一小 將會係25-27dec book左酒店係Bayswater.
27號坐10點幾AM機去Paris, 我想應該要8點到機場吧.
但是.. 什麼是最平,最快捷的方去由bayswater去 Heathrow Airport呢?


回答 (3)

2006-12-06 3:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先﹐不幸地25號倫敦係唔會有public transport嘅﹐如果要出去玩﹐就只好自己用腳行或者自己開車。不過可以話你知﹐個日無咩商店會開門。26-27號開始大減價﹐public transport都開始行返﹐不過班次會比較疏。如果係留係london玩的話﹐健議買one day travel card﹐一日任搭所有交通工具如地鐵﹐巴士﹐火車﹐輕鐵等﹐zone 1至zone 4一日票價為5磅2﹐絕對係最平最快最抵嘅選擇。不過如果你住bayswater的話﹐其實都好近好多sightseeing point呀!
如果27號朝要去heathrow﹐可以選擇搭地鐵深藍線(Piccaddilly line)﹐大約要1個鐘左右﹐但係好平﹐只雖買zone 1到zone 6單程飛﹐好似係3磅幾。如果唔想等﹐可以到Paddington搭Heathrow Express﹐搭呢個只需25至30分鐘左右﹐但係比較貴﹐好似要15磅以上一程。不過如果你有咁多人一齊去﹐可以選擇叫mini cab﹐呢個類似的士﹐不過價錢一早講好。如果由zone 1 去機場的話大約20至30磅啦﹐不過就方便﹐唔駛上上落落﹐由酒店車到你去機場。酒店可以幫你代叫架。
P.S 如果買地鐵飛的話﹐可以問佢攞張oyster做紀念﹐呢張嘢好似香港嘅八達通咁﹐du一du就得架喇﹐仲唔駛錢添。
如果你係25號到london就麻煩D喇﹐因為個日無公共交通工具架﹐只可以叫mini cab﹐不過價錢肯定貴﹐有時可能係平時嘅3倍。所以如果你地真係christmas個日到的話最好同酒店預早講﹐叫佢地嚟接你。
2006-12-06 3:02 pm
Bayswater's next to Paddington Station, and from Paddington you can take the Heathrow Express to the airport.
From Bayswater, either take the tube (District or Circle) line (£4.00 each), or take a taxi (should be around £6.00)
Heathrow Express cost £13.50 one-way or £26.00 return (price if you buy them online)
London 3-day Bus/Tube Pass cost £15.40 (Peak Zone 1-2) - should get you anywhere common, except perhaps Windsor (which is in Zone 6)
2006-12-06 2:59 pm
you can go to heathrow airport by tube (MTR).

and you can buy one day travel card in the tube station, you can use it to go to everywhere and everytime by tube and london bus.

2006-12-06 07:00:58 補充:
try this websibe to download the tube map.http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tube/company/history/tube-map.asp

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