翻譯(中釋英) 10點 *急*

2006-12-06 10:26 am
eg: 1個成年人(上海人)月入RMB$3000,但願意花費RMB1000多元去買電子玩具給小孩RMB$50 o既衫買唔起,千幾蚊o既玩具就肯買
搵:上海人消費心態 收入分配(儲蓄, 必需消費eg:水 電 食, 自己, *子女*)

2)北京 上海人比較
北京人:理性,唔會show off

長三角洲消費中心點 (等於香港的MK,TST,CWB)

4)ToysRus target customer不止上海居民,而包括周圍其他城市

5)北京 上海

回答 (3)

2006-12-06 6:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) China's One Child Policy
e.g., An adult (Shanghainese) with month salary RMB$3,000 is willing to spend over RMB$1,000 to buy his children electronic toys. He cannot afford buying a RMB$50 shirt but they can afford buying expensive toys. They are willing to spend money for their children.

Search for: The consumption perception of Shanghai People and their income allocation
(Savings, necessary expenditure, e.g. eating, water and electricity fee, personal and children's expenditure.

2) Comparison between Pekingese and Shanghainese
Pekingese:rational, won't show off
Shanghainese:pursue brands, pretending rich
Search for: Consumption percentage data

3) The geographical environment of Shanghai
consumption center of Changjiang delta (equals Hong Kong's MK,TST,CWB)
Having geographical advantage, provincials shop and visit Shanghai
Reason: Provincials buy special products in Shanghai that could not be found in their hometown.

4)ToysRus not only targeted Shanghai customers, but also other cities'.
Reason: Although the provincials are not very rich, they are willing to spend money.
Just like we will prepare money to shop when we visit Japan

5) Beijing Shanghai
Beijing: political and cultural center, tourists go sightseeing and exploring Chinese history.
Shanghai: tourists mainly go shopping

2006-12-06 10:23:50 補充:
6)Chinese Culture - Chinese people care a lot about their children. Reason: i) If their children has great achievements, they will have great returns also.

2006-12-06 10:24:09 補充:
6) ii) Poor people need to study in order to have better future (That's why ToysRus sells mind- training and educational toys.) eg: Microscopes/model globes cannot be bought in general stationary shops.

2006-12-06 10:24:43 補充:
7) Li Fung (?)Li fung merchandises different toys around the world. They can buy toys that are unique. Lowering the production cost.Reason:Li Fung the cost is extremely high to run a new firm. Buying an existing firm like ToysRus is undoubtedly cheaper.

2006-12-06 10:25:37 補充:
8) comparison with mainland's toyshops Although there are toys department in Mainland's department stores,BUT …

2006-12-06 10:26:46 補充:
8)續..Foreign-invested department store buys foreign product is comparatively expensive. ToyRus sells similar toys but in a low price. Mainland's department stores sell local goods. They are cheap but the quality is low. (切開晒一舊舊tim~ 希望幫到你^.^)
2006-12-06 9:32 pm
1)A child in the hinterland policy
eg: An adult (Shanghai people ) entered RMB$3000 in the moon, but liked to spend RMB1000 pluralism buying electronic toy for the child RMB$50 o already the shirt has been bought well, a thousand several mosquito o right away willing to buy toy have already
It is willing to cost the money on children
: Shanghai people's consumption psychology income distribution (deposits money, must consume eg : Water and electricity food, oneself, * children *)

2)Beijing Shanghai people compare
Beijingers: Reason, well to know show off
Shanghai people: Love the famous brand, fill the rich man
: Consumption percentage data

3)Geographical environment in Shanghai
Long delta consumption central point (mean MK of Hong Kong, TST, CWB)
Geographical environment is taken excellently, the people of other provinces will all go to Shanghai shopping / travel
Reason: The people of other provinces buy here well

4)Not only residents in Shanghai of ToysRus target customer, and include other cities around
Reason: The people of other provinces travel, even if well is rich men, know the high consumption equally
The situation is equal to my place and take a trip to Japan , will all store deposits to go to Japan to sweep the goods

5)Beijing Shanghai
Beijing: Political and cultural center, visitors mostly visit , look askance in history
Shanghai: Visitors are mostly shopping
6)Chinese's culture
Most of Chinese look after children very much
i)Children are successful some other time , parents reciprocate some other time , pay harvest
ii)The poor want reading to have outlets (the reason why the toy of &'s educational nature that ToysRus sells and benefits intelligence mainly)
eg: Microscope / the globe can not be bought in the general toyshop

7)The profit is abundant
Whether in all parts of the world can purchase get toy, people have o favourable Fengdu of the toy reach already. The only city!
Make to the reducing of the cost
Reason: The profit is abundant to purchase the flattest toy in the whole world
Open a complete new company , with high costs, will buy to ToysRus a existing o already company flat d
Supplement time: 2006-12-06 02:27:51

8)Compare with the inland toyshop
All there are toy departments in though the inland department store, BUT ¡­
The department store of the foreign capitals sells the foreign goods, expensive! ToysRus has similar toys, it is much flatter to have!
The domestic-investment department store sells the China-made goods, it is flat but the quality is very bad!
2006-12-06 5:53 pm
1. China's "One-child" policy has created an interesting phenomena, that people are more willing to spend a lot on their only child; for example, with an average monthly salary of RMB3000, many parents are willing to fork out RMB1000 for a toy for their kid, while they won't even pay RMB50 for clothing for themselves.

2. Comparatively, people from Beijing are more pragmatic and low-profile, while Shanghainese are flashy and fond of designer labels.

3. Geographically, Shanghai is situated in the Chang Jiang delta and positioned as the shopping center of the region (equivalent to Hong Kong's Mongkok, Tsimshatsui or Causeway Bay). Because of its geographical advantage, people from around the region love to travel there to shop and visit. Main reason of that is they are unable to find similar goods in their hometown.

4. Target customer for Toy'srus is not only local Shanghainese but people from around the region, because even though they may not be as rich as Shanghainese, they are more willing to spend while travelling (same as we would save up to spend while travelling to Japan)

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