what does the phrase "at your peril" mean?

2006-12-05 2:46 pm

回答 (10)

2006-12-05 2:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Peril, as defined by the dictionary: risk of serious injury, destruction, disaster.
The state of being exposed to such risk at, or to one's peril, taking the risk and assuming the responsibility for the ill effects that are likely to result from in in period (rhet) in danger of losing, in period of one's life.

The new lexicon Webster's Enclyclopedia Dictionary
Canadian Edition
2006-12-05 2:54 pm
"At your peril" means "at your death" realy. Peril comes from the word Perish... and i'm sure i dont have to define that one. Hope this answers your question!
2006-12-05 2:51 pm
the same as "at your own risk". whatever you're going to do is not advisable, so doing so would be at your risk only.
2016-09-29 5:33 pm
Peril Definition
2016-08-24 12:07 am
Sound arguments here.
2016-04-04 12:51 pm
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avdCg

Yo mamma is derived from the latin ~yo momma~ meaning your mother. It is significant in the fact that those that use the term are likely to have an IQ in the 65-85 quadrant.
2015-10-31 11:17 pm
It means that if you don't perform the desired action, you will be in trouble
2015-08-13 9:16 am
This Site Might Help You.

what does the phrase "at your peril" mean?
參考: phrase quot peril quot mean: https://biturl.im/OSXSz
2013-12-01 7:11 pm
at your own risk
2006-12-05 2:57 pm
'at your own risk'; peril means danger, risk.
2006-12-05 2:51 pm
At your own risk

meaning you have to take responsibility yourself
Nobody is going to be liable for you
2006-12-05 2:49 pm
It means that if you do whatever is referred to, you risk finding yourself in big trouble or danger.

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