make......(2 questions)plz help~(boy)

2006-12-06 7:49 am
1.)I want to ask where to make bf?
I don't have any bf,but I don't want to go to the 友完人 and go to the chat room.
Please tell me where to find!
I am a girl
2.)Why a lot people want to play phonesex?
what is this?
Is it good for us ?
~~~~~~~~~~Please tell me the answer~~~~~~~~~~~~~

回答 (2)

2006-12-07 12:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 要識男友, 其實網上係相當危險, 十個有九個係壞人..... 所以妳唔用網上交友網同埋留言版識男仔, 咁都係好正常..... 亦證明妳懂得保護自己, Good!!

至於點搵, 我就覺得妳可以由可信的朋友介紹, 參加健康的群體活動/制服團隊, 又或者係同學或朋友, 都係會比較可信, 亦安全一點....

不過最重要係, 妳要好好了解對方, 先至好接受一段戀情..... 要鐘意人唔難, 要拍拖唔難, 但要維持一段感情, 咁就唔容易.....

2) 至於 Phone Sex, 意思係指透過電話交談去達到性幻想, 從而令自己同對方獲得性興奮, 甚至高潮..... 好處係唔會由對方那邊傳染到性病, 但如果你年紀太細就唔好咁做啦, 因為咁做, 好容易你會俾人呃妳出來見面, 甚至令妳太早有性行為.....
2006-12-06 7:55 am
You can find the parnter from chatting MSN~~
A lot of people like to play phonese because they intend to listen the girls'sound or they will feel better and will solve their problem.... Anyway it is not good for us...why we cannot communicate to your friends or classmates?

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