識得 Alexander McQueen o既幫幫手o丫 !!

2006-12-06 7:46 am
大家知唔知道 , Alexander McQueen 呢個牌子o既眼鏡邊度有得買呀 ?

眼鏡 88 ?
光明 ?

因為我見 07 年o既眼鏡佢真係幾靚 ,
所以想知道邊到會有得賣呢個 brand o既眼鏡 .
同埋想知道 , 佢 d o野係唔係都要千幾以上 ( 眼鏡 ) .

唔該你o既幫手呀 ~ a_a

回答 (2)

2006-12-07 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Go to Mongkok " 頂好"(near to Pizza Hut - old address).. they have a lot of Designer label Sun 眼鏡 selling, a lot of movie stars go to there !!
Alexander McQueen 眼鏡 of course 要千幾 la ... Dior already 千幾 la...
2006-12-07 2:14 am
尊貴視力80%都有,,係CWB蘋果商場同Kripsy Kreme對面

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