2006-12-06 7:40 am
My laptop was turned off automatically after few mins,I think it should be hard disk problem but i am not sure and i have checked the battery and monitor display timing but all are ok.May I who can explain it to me and help me to solve the problem??Thank You.

futhermore,I just bought it 15 month ago and it is still new.

回答 (3)

2006-12-06 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
I encounted the same problem before, and my friend said the hardware maybe too old and had to be disposed.
No clear explaination anyway...
Afterwards, I put it aside for months and it was normal again. But the problem came out again after a couple of weeks... so, maybe it's time for you to buy a new laptop.
2006-12-06 6:06 pm
Mostly not related to HDD problem, if so the system would --Hang--but would not turn off byself. Run virus scan first to check for possible cause. If problem still preset, try to remove one of the rams if you have 2 in your laptop, I think the cause may be either the mainboard or the ram.
2006-12-06 8:47 am
The first thing you can do is to change a new harddisk ,formating & install XP

if it can work(no turn off automatically) ,that all ,no problem, or you can take it

to repair.(repairing fee is quite expensive)

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