
2006-12-06 6:58 am


有冇傳教士係度 同我講下你點解信呀!

(好多科學家都信神是假的 那是胡說的)



回答 (4)

2006-12-10 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I do believe in god, or somekind of spirit or force in the universe that help to shape you. But I don't believe in religion, I think they are just a group of men that make decisions to govern other people life. I hate people who said God do this, God will punish you if you... etc. Afterall, they are not God, how to they know what God really want. Some say that because the bible or koran said, but bible are koran are written by human and tranlated by human too.
In the same tone, I don't beleive in what scientists said as well. For what they have not recovered does not mean that it is not true. Ten years ago many scientists did not believe in global warming, now nobody can deny it.
2006-12-10 7:45 am
參考: 自己
2006-12-06 7:21 pm
我信神, 因為很多憂慮與壓力的情緒都能透過祈禱而減輕. 這是很個人的感受.
我不算是虔誠的信徒, 但我信...就係咁.
2006-12-06 7:08 am
點解要focus on "好多科學家都信神是假的"

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