
2006-12-06 6:33 am
如果我想在restaurant叫waiter加水, 可以點講?

如果我同朋友想找人影相, 就是別人拿我們的相機, 我和朋友一齊影, 可以點叫佢?如果是我想同這個外國人影相, 但今次是我朋友拿著相機, 英文可以點講?

去食自助餐想叫waiter 取濕紙巾, 點講?


回答 (3)

2006-12-06 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果想在restaurant叫waiter加水, 可以:excuses me, could u refill water for me, please?
如果同朋友想找人影相, 就是別人拿我們的相機,我和朋友一齊影,可以: excuses me, sir/madam. would you mind to take a photo for us?如果是我想同這個外國人影相,但今次是我朋友拿著相機,英文可以:excuses me, sir/madam. Would you mind to take a photo with me?
去食自助餐想叫waiter 取濕紙巾:excuses me, could u take a piece of wet-tissue for me, please?
I hope i can help you ! best regards!
2006-12-06 6:45 am
1.Waiter, would you give me some water please ?
2.Can you please take photo for us?/ Do you mind I take a photo with you?
3.Waiter, can you give me some wet tissue please?
2006-12-20 4:59 am
excuse me, I would like another cup of water.
excuse me, I would like some more water.

Could you take a picture for us please?

excuse me, I would like to have some wet napkins.
excuse me, could you give me some wet napkins?

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