
2006-12-06 6:28 am
我們這組經我們討論後..我們決定以PETS AND SPCA 作我們這份英文pj的題目,,我們以愛護動物協會怎樣處理給別人拋棄的寵物,愛護動物協會的經費來源,愛護動身協會給寵物有甚麼福利作為我們做這英文pj的目的.亦希望我們可以在pj中學到很多在書本中不能學到的東西..例如.我們應該以甚麼態度對待寵物,更希望的是正在看的們成果的你.可以在我們這份報告中領略到寵物的重要性這都是我們做這英文pj的主要目的..希望你可以細心欣賞我們的成果.!!

回答 (4)

2006-12-06 7:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Our group argued.We decision PETS AND SPCA write our English project title .We use as PETS AND SPCA how to deal with others discard pets,PETS AND SPCAs' expenses way,PETS AND SPCA with give the discard pets have how much interests to conduct our English projects' purpose,we also hope ourselves can be living the project to learn many things in books we can't learn ...Like we should use what stand to deal with our pets,we even more hope in the process looking at fruitful results many of you can see in or project to learn pets is very importance are we do our English project main purpose.We hope all of you can circumspect to enjoy our achievements !
2006-12-07 2:14 am
After our group discussion, we have decided to use PETS AND SPCA as our topic of our English Project.

We try to stand in the SPCA position, to face the problems such as "How do the SPCA handle the discard of animals", The funds source of the SPCA and "What welfare can the SPCA give to the animals" as the purpose of our English Project.
We hope that we can learnnot form books, but something during the process of the project. For example ' What attitude should we treat our pets",but, most importantly, we hope that you, the one who are knowing the conseqences of the problem can realize that the importance of ptes. This is the result that we work on this project. We wish that you can appriciate our hard-work!!
參考: ME
2006-12-06 9:45 pm
我們這組經我們討論後..我們決定以PETS AND SPCA 作我們這份英文pj的題目,,我們以愛護動物協會怎樣處理給別人拋棄的寵物,愛護動物協會的經費來源,愛護動身協會給寵物有甚麼福利作為我們做這英文pj的目的.亦希望我們可以在pj中學到很多在書本中不能學到的東西..例如.我們應該以甚麼態度對待寵物,更希望的是正在看的們成果的你.可以在我們這份報告中領略到寵物的重要性這都是我們做這英文pj的主要目的..希望你可以細心欣賞我們的成果.!!

Have the back without being passed we we discussed this group.. We decide to make the topic of our English pj with PETS AND SPCA ,,How we deal with the pet that abandoned to others with the association for taking good care of animal!, the funds source of the association for taking good care of animal, have any welfare to do the purpose of this English pj to cherish and leave the association as us. Also it hope we can learn at pj there aren't a lot of.. For example. We should treat pets with some attitudes , what hope even more see achievement you can have a taste of importance this to get pet make English main purpose of pj this hope for you we among we the report Can appreciate our achievement carefully ! !

2006-12-06 21:48:55 補充:
2006-12-06 7:22 am
After discussion amoung our group members, we decided to let "PETS AND SPCA" to be the topic of our English project. The aim of our project is to find out the way the SPCA helps the abandoned pets and the financial support of SPCA. We hope to learn things that cannot be found in textbooks by working on this project, such as the correct way to treat animals. The more we hope that everyone who is looking into our work can know about the importance of the pets we owned. These are all the targets we want to reach. We hope you will enjoy our work.

我覺得 =.= 我上面果個亂譯
咩叫our group argued..... 鬧交咩....

如果你有咩唔明, 或者我譯得唔夠清楚, 可以同返我講架~
anyway ^ ^ 希望我幫得到你啦!!
參考: myself = =b 我EMI sch英文都全級頭幾名架~

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