
2006-12-06 5:59 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-06 8:01 pm
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Freud係性心理學說派ge, 認為人頭五年就會決定你一生(deterministic), 而係我地ge潛意識入面就往往係d暴力同sex ge野(佢認為呢d係人ge本能), 不斷會同d norms, morals有conflict發生, 咁就會影響到我地personality ge發展, 發展得唔好會有fixation, 甚至會變成abnormal tim

至於Maslow就係人文學派ge, 最出名就係hierarchy of needs, 即係一個需求金字塔, 一層層咁上去, 歷經生理, 安全, 愛與被愛, 自尊同埋個人實現, 如果有任何一個stage ge發展或者seeking被阻擋或distort就會出現abnormality, 影響人格發展, 佢ge理論係著重自由意志, not deterministic
參考: 我ge psycho書同notes
2006-12-06 1:23 pm
Maslow's most famous work is the Need-hierarachy Theory. He stated that people can only function when their basic needs are meet. At the highest level of need, he mentioned about Self-actualization. People that achieved self-actualization believed to be the most complete and full. In order the truly self-actualize, people need to have their lower needs taken care of. So, in another word, people live to achieve self-actualization, and that's the motivation for pepople to live.
Freud's idea is base on instinct drives, he believed that human born to have different kind of drives. People live to fullfill those drive that we have, and we balance them with our id, ego and superego.
參考: Me
2006-12-06 9:38 am
參考: AL psy. course

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