My story(10 marks)

2006-12-06 5:07 am
I have a childhood friend. I think we are very destined. He is a gentlemen (don't kiss)My school is always the same with him and even the grades! He is 1 year older than me. He jokes on me. When I'm 17,he asked me whether I'm free tonight. But I said I'm free on Sunday. I asked him why he wants to invite me. He said, A date I supose. I'm shocked. Then he said,neh, just joking. I'm quite rich and I have a big house in England. There's a guest room under the ground.

6 days holiday, I asked him to come to my house. It's snowing. My guard drives a car under my building. The second day, he said make a snowman. While he's making, I throw a snowball at him, he throws too. He accidently dropped on me. I dreamed myself kissing Should I do that?


I feel he's in love with me. I feel shy about the snowball fight. My guard(on 1st day) said I see you bring along your boyfriend. I said he's my childhood friend. I feel so shy.


Does that means he likes me???

回答 (2)

2006-12-06 5:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
i see , than what is ur peoblem ?

2006-12-13 16:19:36 補充:
我不認為她喜歡你,但是我卻感覺到你很喜歡他fighting !!
2006-12-06 5:15 am

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