請問脫了智慧齒之後, 幾時先可以開始正常飲食呢?

2006-12-06 4:50 am
我剛剛昨天脫了智慧齒, 是要開刀脫的, 我知道不可吃熱的食物, 又不可咬東西...但不知道要維持多久呢? 我很想吃啊!

回答 (3)

2006-12-06 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
unless u feel pain & bleed alot, otherwise u can eat whatever u want

be careful not to use that side of teeth to bite, cos the food might go into the wounds

rinse your mouth with WARM water after eating to avoid food stuck inside that wound
參考: personal experience
2006-12-08 3:15 am
oh~~~you can eat anytime.....after extract脫了 2 hours after......but dont bite on hard......eat soft.....dont eat hot which lead to pain...

Becareful dont use force to rinse your mouth when brushing...otherwise the wound will bleed again.

To help reduce inflammation, try to use 1 tea spoon of salt to 1 glass of water(250ml)
2-3 or 4 times a day.......Really help!!

Remember to keep the wound clean!!

Hope it's help
參考: I am a dental assistant and I had experienced
2006-12-06 6:41 am
1. 手術或脫牙後 4 小時請勿進食熱的食物或喝熱飲料
2. 即日內切勿飲酒, 或做劇烈運動
3. 由翌日開始應該常用溫暖鹽水漱口以保持傷口清潔
4. 傷口流血:
(甲) 用冷水漱口一次然後用紗布(或手布)摺成厚度適中的小墊置於流血處, 緊咬小墊三十分鐘
(乙) 若血液繼續流出, 重複此方法兩次
5. 接受口腔手術後, 面部會有腫脹, 遇此情況毋須恐慌, 三至四日後會自行消散

2006-12-08 20:07:04 補充:
copy from the Prince Philip Dental Hospital

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