
2006-12-06 4:22 am
小弟上年中五畢業 會考13分但英文a卷拎e我想讀呢幾個
1.兩年制酒店及飲食業務文憑 81201
2.三年制酒店及飲食業務高級文憑 81301
3.兩年制酒店中式餐飲業務文憑 81212
4.一年制基礎文憑(酒店款接分流) 01601H
我有冇機會讀到81201 ?

回答 (1)

2006-12-07 5:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am also a student who apply in IVE Hotel and Tourism HD program that finally they not gave any offer to me~ let me tell you my CE result first la : I got 16 marks and E in Syl. B english.

after study my case, may be you get the answer : to be honest, you have only a little chance to success in 81201and 81301. if you really want to study in this field, I suggest you put 81212 in first choice and 01601H for your second choice~ I have a friend who study in FD and study in HD next year, so you can also try try it ga~

hope that I can answer you question la~

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