The Hare and the Tortoise的讀後感

2006-12-06 2:43 am
你們看完The Hare and the Tortoise的讀後感是甚麼?



回答 (2)

2006-12-06 2:50 am
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after I've read this book,I've learnt a good lesson.persistency is the most important thing in the world.Although you are clever enough and your brain run very quickly,you can not succeed without hard work and persist your ambition.In fact,tortoise walks very slowly,and a hare runs much faster than it.But why did the tortoise won the race?Its because it didn't give up until the end of the race!

2006-12-05 18:51:25 補充:

2006-12-06 20:52:11 補充:
下邊果位also 放係個can後面的...
參考: myself
2006-12-06 6:48 am
After I read though the whole story,I have learnt several things.
The most important thing I learnt from this story is the spirit.Although
tortoise cannot run fast,but he never gave up,if we have a goal we can striving toward,
we can achieve everything.We also can learn from hare.We can know that we should
not be too pride.There is also a slang called"An army puffed up with pride is bound to lose."We should be modest and open-minded any time!Is it the key to succeed!

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:57:24
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