Fund house

2006-12-06 1:48 am
My fund advisor suggests I should do my savings plan with Generali. I want to start a savings plan with some flexibility, for example, I can choose to stop contributing after certain period of time, top up, can switch funds and invest in not just one fund at one time...etc. My contribution period would be 15 years max., I can accept higher risk and I want to put $1300 initially (I may add) as monthly contribution. Would you recommend Generali as my choice in terms of the charges and flexibility?

回答 (4)

2006-12-06 8:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我諗呢 d 野,我比多 d 資料你,等你自已慢慢考慮。因為長年期的計劃,一開始時要決定正確。否則,看見其他人用同類型的計劃賺到錢時,自已的計劃就賺得少的話,就會十分無奈了。

最近 Generali 的 Vision (saving plan) 改左制度,如果出最短 5 年的 saving plan 的話,ICP (強制供款期) 只是 3.6 個月。但適合的 ICP 是 16 個月左右,when use 15 年的 saving plan,因為 16 年~25 年的話,ICP 仲長過其他 18 個月的 (當然唔及 AIA 的 34 個月)。不過,我覺得 Saving Plan 最重要不只是 Charges Structure,最重要是 d 基金得唔得、賺唔賺到錢。因為同類型的計劃,收費都大同小異,呢到多 d 果到少 d。賺到錢的話,收費就唔太重要的了。而 Generali 的特色是多 Hedge Fund (around 10 隻),而且因為是 Direcet Fund,往往轉基金時很慢,T + 5 都唔出奇。其他類型基金方面的表現,比較一般;講 Structure (Generali / 忠利) 係好,講基金表現,我有保留。

如果你要 flexibility 的話,可以睇埋 Zurich / Friends / Aviva。Zurich 係 after ICP 之後,可以囉假期唔供錢,但要 3 年供一期 (最低供款為 $2,400);Friends 是 after ICP 後,可以停供、囉 Premium Holiday 2 年, 2 年過左的話,又可以繼續申請的;Aviva 是 after ICP 之後,個 account 要 over $25,000,就可以以後唔駛供。好有 Flexibility~~但是 Saving Plan 的原意是定時定候放錢落戶口到的。

當然,這類型的 Saving plan,任轉基金不收任何收費的。

講基金表現,Aviva 同 Zurich 比較闊。但睇返客人的需要,如果要經常轉基金,執 d 升跌時機的話,Mirror Fund 較適合。否則,就用 Direct Fund,因為會少左 0.75~1.5% 的 Mirror Fund Charges,賺得開心 d~~

如果你 $1,300 的話,Zurich 唔會接受 (最低是 $2,400 有 Bonus)。
2007-04-23 9:33 am
呢位回答者都答得好好 !!! 啲Funds喺一個Saving Plan的確非常緊要, 但有幾點必須注意:
2006-12-06 6:00 am
Generali is also a good choice for you, but there are several plan in market
e.g.Aviva, AiA,
If you only consider flexibility, both Aviva and generali would be suitable for you.
I think you better find another financial consultant to compare with you.

p.s. Zurich minimum contribution is HKD2400 per month.
2006-12-06 2:13 am
There are many other products in the market, they are varied from each other. In your case, I will suggest Zurich as your primary choice.
參考: self

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