
2006-12-06 12:47 am
What do you think why did the dinosaurs suddenly died out?

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2006-12-06 4:51 am
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恐龍(Dinosauria)這名字最早為英國科學家理察·歐文(Richard Owen)在1842年提出。它由希臘辭彙deinos(意為「恐怖的」或「極其巨大的」)和sauros(意為「蜥蜴」)組成。恐龍一詞為日本翻譯,後為中國引用。

恐龍的體型差異很大。已知最小的恐龍只有雞那麼大(鼠龍(Mussaurus),其幼體僅有20公分),但大多數都體型巨大。最大的是蜥腳亞目恐龍(戈壁卡拉麥裡龍(Klamelisaurus gobiensis),體長超過30公尺,高10公尺),為曾經存在過的最大的陸生生物,在所有生物中,僅次於鯨。


恐龍消失於六千5百萬年前的白堊紀-第三紀滅絕事件(Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event)。通常的解釋是一顆巨大的隕石撞擊地球造成了滅絕(最早為Walter Alvarez提出)。但這一理論尚有爭議。

The dinosaur, is to some prehistoric reptile's general designation. Appears most early before about 220,000,000 years, lives in the Triassic period, the Jurassic Period and the cretaceous p
eriod, has existed for 150,000,000 years. In about 65,000,000 year ago cretaceous period later periods, the nearly all type dinosaur all extinguished , but had one viewpoint to believe, the modern birds had the blood relationship relations with some kind of dinosaur.
Dinosaur (Dinosauria) this name most early observed · Irving for the English scientist principle (Richard Owen) to propose in 1842. It (Italy is “terror” or “extremely huge”) and sauros (Italy is “lizard”) is composed by Greek vocabulary deinos. A dinosaur word translates for Japan, latter quotes for China.
Dinosaur's build difference is very big. The known smallest dinosaur only then the chicken is so big (mouse dragon (Mussaurus), its young animal only has 20 centimeters), but the majority build are all huge. Biggest was the sauropoda dinosaur (in the Gobi Kara wheat the dragon (Klamelisaurus gobiensis), body long surpasses 30 meters, height 10 meters), for has existed the biggest land lives the biology, in all biology, is only inferior to the whale.
Many other type crawling biology and dinosaur life in identical time. Certain type similar build is huge, contour strange, but they are not the dinosaur. If plesiosaurus.
The dinosaur vanishes in 65,000,000 year ago cretaceous period - tertiary period extinguishes the event (Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event). The usual explanation was a giant meteorite hit Earth creates extinguished(is most early Walter Alvarez proposes). But this theory Shang You disputed.
After the common meteorolite view is refers to the meteorite hit Earth, the massive ash dust storm submergence earth and the atmosphere, create the sunlight to be unable the direct radiation to the earth's surface, each place temperature is cold gradually, because the dinosaur is unable in the callous climate to survive and to look for food, but died turns the fossil. And some view, referred to at that time the terrestrial pole because of the temperature rapid change, created the sea level water level rise, created between the mainland and the mainland has the rivers impediment, created the dinosaur to look for food to die difficultly.
參考: Winnie Chan
2006-12-06 1:50 am
Generally it was said there is not enough food for them on earth, so they kill each other.

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