About ACCA

2006-12-06 12:28 am
我想問下報acca 的手續是如何?
考一科大約幾錢?? 如果我有得excemp 某d paper....係要點報???
with lots of thx.....

回答 (1)

2006-12-12 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can download the exam application form from the website:
www. accaglobal.com
For details of the exam schedule and exemption application, I think you better have a detail look at the above website.
In addition, it would be better that you can directly contact ACCA hong Kong office. They will be very happy to answer any querries.
Phone No: 2524 4988

PS: Wish that you will soon be part of the profession!
參考: ACCA

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