翻譯成英文 !!!!!!!!急用!!!!!!!!!!(請盡量在今天內回答)

2006-12-06 12:09 am

回答 (4)

2006-12-06 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Animal and human are the same creature which both have feeling.
They both will feel hungry, thirsty and pain.
People should not recklessly and humiliate with cruelly harm to animal since they cannot speak up for help.
Animal also thirst for our protection, attention and respect.
參考: myself
2006-12-06 1:15 am
Both animals and human being are creatures with feelings. They can feel hunger, thirst and pain. People should not terrorize and hurt animals at will simply because they cannot cry for help with words. Animals do expect our protection, care and respect.
2006-12-06 1:01 am
The animal has living beings that felt like mankind. Will feel hungry too, thirsty with the pain. People should not be difficult to seek help with the speech and bully and humiliate and slaughter wantonly with the animal. The animal also wishes eagerly to get our protection, pays close attention to and respects.
2006-12-06 12:16 am
Both animals and human beings have feelings, they all feel hunger, thirst and pain. Human being should not terrorize animals simply because they can not express themselves with words. Animals need our protection, care and respect.

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