英文動詞搭配不一致的時候 .....

2006-12-05 10:51 pm
例如我想寫: 我們吸引和協助外國投資者來港投資, 吸引投資是 attract investors to invest, 協助他們投資是 assisting them in investing, 由於 "assist them to invest" 文法不對, 我不能寫 attract and assist them to invest. 於是寫成 attract them to invest and provide them with assistance.
其實碰到這種英文動詞配搭不一致的情況, 可以如何處理才合符文法? 可否提供例子?

回答 (3)

2006-12-06 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先,我要指出,assist 後面可用 to, assist someone to do something ,assist them to invest,都是對的,可能較少人用。所以,你大可寫,

attract and assist them to invest in...
Managed well, the estate can attract students from across the UK and overseas ... and assist them to invest in capital in a sustainable manner’. 22. Our study will examine whether these recommendations are addressing the backlog. ...
www.audit-scotland.gov.uk/ audit/pdfs/PBestatemanagement.pdf

不信,你 GOOGLE " assist them to invest ", 要用 GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE 和加引號,便可找到不少 SEARCH RESULTS。


Aid: To assist someone to commit a criminal offence;


此外,上面位建議用 LURE,我不認同,因 LURE 和 ATTRACT 需同解吸引,引誘,但 LURE 是一個較負面的字,和陷阱,騙人有關,而 ATTRACT 則是一個正面的字。香港旅發局都是用 ATTRACT,不是用 LURE。


vt.1. 引誘,誘惑;以誘餌吸引[O]The price also lures students.這種價格對學生也有吸引力。

vt.1. 吸;吸引The garden city attracts many tourists.那個花園城市吸引許多遊客。A magnet attracts both iron and steel.磁鐵吸鐵也吸鋼。
所以,很抱歉,你給的例子和你問的有相違背,如果你給另一個例子,或可替你想想。暫時可想到的是如果真的要用不同的 PREPOSITIONS,那便要如你給的這樣寫,

How to Attract them and How to Work with Them By Christopher Knab. At a time in music business history when there is more ... If a specific title sells, it is the job of the distributor, in cooperation with the label to provide the ...
www.audiotraining.com/articles/Music_Distributors.cfm - 27k -


e.g. to attract investors to Hong Kong and assist them in investing 錯,不 PARALLEL
to attract investors to Hong Kong and assist them to invest. 對,PARALLEL

2006-12-05 19:13:28 補充:
以你這句為例:We tell someone to and make him do something. 錯,因 TO 後面要有 VERB (+OBJ)你可說We tell someone to and make him do something.e.g. We told him to turn on the lights and made him do it/so.

2006-12-05 19:15:34 補充:
SORRY,打錯,那句的結構應是:We tell someone to do something and make him do it/so.例子照上面正確。

2006-12-05 19:24:05 補充:
看看這例子。Peel, core and slice the apples. 同一個 OBJ,不同 VERB,且有先後次序。
參考: yahoo dict
2006-12-07 11:46 pm
「吸引和協助外國投資者來港投資」簡單的說 attract and provide assistance to foreign investments 便可. (用 attract 而不用 lure 是較恰當的)
2006-12-05 11:08 pm
Your question is very odd.
First, assist can be combined with "in" or "with"
you can say, I assisted them with the selection of stocks.
In your case, I think the word "lure" is more appropriate, because attract has a meaning of pulling or drawing someone or something towards something, by the qualities they have, especially positive and admirable ones. I cannot see what the positive and admirable qualities you have (in selecting stocks). So lure may be a better word to use.
We try to lure customers with high turnover.
Please use two different sentences.


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