
2006-12-05 10:38 pm

回答 (6)

2006-12-06 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
You don*t live twice. Please treasure every opportunity that comes your way, so that you*ll have no regrets in life.

2006-12-06 15:46:40 補充:
特務007電影系列其中一套名稱是〈You Only Live Twice〉(鐵金剛勇破火箭嶺), 我翻譯採用了You XXX live twice 這形式。語文的表達方法時會採取‘反面’(negative)形式, 以求凸顯意思, 所以You don’t live twice 比You only live once 好, 正如我們都接受“生命冇take 2” 這說法, 反而不會說‘生命只one take’ 等等。
2006-12-14 5:30 pm
What about this? You only vote once. So think twice before making a choice or you might regret.
2006-12-06 1:37 am
You only live once, while it cannot repeat, so, please treasure every single opportunity you have and dont be regretted afterward.
參考: SELF
2006-12-06 12:11 am
Life does not have second chance.
Life only a re-entry, please treasure each opportunity, do not make yourself be regret
參考: myself
2006-12-05 11:57 pm
we had only one life, please cherish everything chance, dont regret yourself.
2006-12-05 10:47 pm
There is no second chance to life, life cannot be repeated, please value very opportunity, do not let yourself regret.

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