he run as fast as me. 這句有錯嗎?

2006-12-05 8:51 pm
he run as fast as me. 這句有錯嗎?

回答 (6)

2006-12-05 9:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
應該是 He runs as fast as I (run)
More examples:
Grace is so / as beautiful as you (are) ... the word 'are' is usually omitted
George is so / as tall as John (is)
My watch is so / as expensive as John's (John's watch)
Ivy's son is so / as naughty as mine (my son)

See now ?!
2006-12-07 10:10 pm
You should say,

He runs as fast as I do.

Shouldn't use me here, because you are talking about the action (verb).
2006-12-07 9:44 pm
He ran as fast as me. (Proper English)

He runS as fast as me. (The grammer is correct , however, it is consider as bad english)
2006-12-06 2:52 am
he 是第三身單數 run 要加 s
He runs as fast as me.
2006-12-05 11:59 pm
he 係第三身.所以要加s

he runs as fast as me.
2006-12-05 10:11 pm
after run need to add a 's' because 'he' is 第三身單數.

He kills me. 'He' is 第三身單數

All 第三身單數 have: He, She, It.

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