Runescape . I need a full sara and santa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-05 6:45 pm
PLease . If someone give I will do job from u!my name is kittywong24 52 lv

Sorry You can only give me somemoney then ok please~~~~~~~~(more then 300k) please


talk to No.3 ::::::::::: Really?


Plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1m la~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

回答 (3)

2006-12-09 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 以上資料由LF2改檔專家提供!
2006-12-08 5:38 am
ok i give u for free and 3 mil more and my account name is mmb76
2006-12-06 4:32 am
Please don't beg for money.
earn money yourself.
there is no FREE LUNCH in the world.
do you think you don't work and get reward?
Everybody have money have worked very hard!!!!!
Don't beg anymore please.......
I can report you......
You can do wc or mine or fishing or kill people to earn money.
no one will give you sara or santa also bronze!!!!
Comeon, do work yourself!!!
hope this can make you 改過自新....
please don' t be anry of my words and sentences.....
參考: me

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