Most of people 和 most people 的分別

2006-12-05 6:11 pm
Most of people 和 most people 的分別

回答 (3)

2006-12-05 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Most of people 應該寫成 Most of the people ,意思上是只「某一群指定人們中的大多數人」,這裡的 the people 是指哪些人,應該會在上文下理中找到。
e.g. The class broke into chaos. Most of the people opposed the act but a few of them insisted in making it effective as soon as possible.
Most people 則是指「普遍性的大多數人們」。沒有特定指某一種人。
e.g. Most people cry when they see this disaster movie.
2006-12-05 7:29 pm
單獨寫,most of people 是文法錯誤的寫法。Most of the people就可以,那是代表你所指的人們之中的大多數。Most people就像中文的「大多數人 」的意思。
2006-12-05 6:16 pm
Most of peple 是指一group人其中的多數...
most people 即是指大多數人,冇指定是那些人

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