Help ! Pls send me Housing information in Paris(巴黎住宿問題)

2006-12-05 5:04 pm


如果您幫忙,請回覆!Thanks a lot .

回答 (1)

2006-12-08 4:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Internet often give more updated info than those standard booklets... hope the following links will help you:

If you are totally new and have no friend there in Paris, I suggest you to book a one-week short term stay first. To my experience, you can find a decent place (location + within budget) within a week in most major city. Just make sure your first stay will allow you to extend (in good rates) in case you need more time to find a place.

Many people move a few times within the first year of foreign stay, because they woud have more ideas and requests when you get to know the place and people. So bring only your very necessary luggage with you for higher mobility.

Paris is a very nice city. Enjoy your life there

參考: me

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