
2006-12-05 8:19 am
from my point of view
in my point of view
which sentense is correct?
someone bump you but without any apologizes?is this sentense correct?

回答 (4)

2006-12-06 7:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
奇怪,上面位說 (英文是我的第一語言),
但她給那句 " somebody bumps into you but didn ' t appologize. " 好明顯 TENSE 不一致。後面用 PAST TENSE,前面怎會用 PRESENT TENSE?應改為:

Somebody bumped into you but didn ' t apologize.

答翻正題, my point of view 本來是用 FROM, IN, TO 都可以,但整整下,現在差不多乜野 PREPOSITION 都得,唔信自己 GOOGLE,所以你那兩句都正確。不過,考試最穩陣當然是 FROM, IN, TO, 但也要看之前之後用的字眼要否用特別的 PREPOSITIONS。

Point of View From My Point of View By Alex Keegan -- May, 98. The Internet Writing Journal(R)
www.writerswrite.com/journal/may98/keegan8.htm - 17k

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To my point of view a real-life application is the one where it is possible to observe what I call a decision aiding process. That means that at least a client and an analyst are involved, the first expressing a "problem", ...
www.inescc.pt/~ewgmcda/ForTsoukias.html - 7k

不過 TO 字通常會跟某些字眼如 RELATIVE TO, ACCORDING TO,但也可放在句子開頭。

On My Point Of View, smooth-jazz multi-instrumentalist Najee offers up a solid set of groove-based easy-listening tunes. While guest vocalists appear on a few tracks, Najee's talent on the flute, alto saxophone, and soprano saxophone is ...
www.cduniverse.com/search/xx/ music/pid/6923293/a/My+Point+Of+View.htm - 12k -

Again, I am NOT trying to sound like an ass but you gotta look at my point of view. Sorry if I upset either of you in ANY way. I am not a mean person nor am I trying to be. View user's profile · Send private message ...
www.ozzu.com/ftopic1474-15.html - 51k -

http://www.quickdomainnameregistration.com. Wed 11 Jan 2006 at 06:37 AM online dating. guidelines or blog. It really doesnt matter. For my point of view, what's important is content and your content is great. Keep up the good work ...
www.subtraction.com/archives/2003/0405_8_simple_rul.php - 21k

我仲可以繼續舉例,但怕無位,你自己逐個 PREP 成句試下GOOGLE,加埋 " " 。

最後,這句 " someone bump you but without any apologizes? " 當然錯。


Someone bumped into you without an/any apology/apologies.

Someone bumped into you without apologizing.

點解可用 apologizing? 是 GERUND = NOUN,所以無問題。

你是說一次事件,不是成日發生的情況,所以應用 PAST TENSE。但如果你指是普遍現象,應用 PRESENT TENSE。

In Hong Kong, people bump into others without an/any apology/apologies.

In Hong Kong, people bump into others without apologizing.

Should be: Is this sentence correct?

2006-12-05 8:36 am
from my point of view
in my perspective
somebody bumps into you but didn't appologize.
(Someone bump you but without any apologizes)這句話是非常的不正確. 不可以用.
參考: 自己 (英文是我的第一語言)
2006-12-05 8:35 am
in my point of view

2006-12-05 00:41:58 補充:
這句意思應該係,跟據我點睇,所以一定要用 in my point of view下面果句就應該改為 apology / apologies.因為句子終結應該用 noun 而唔係用 verb
2006-12-05 8:35 am
"From my point of view" is correct.
In chinese, we say 從/由 某角度來看
In english, we use "from" sb's viewpoint

For ur 2nd question,
i think it should be changed to
"someone bump you but without any apologies"
We use a noun instead of a verb.
參考: own knowledge

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